链霉亲和素-生物素(SA-Biotin)系统具有极高的结合亲和力(K=10∧-15),在生物领域具有广泛的应用。EnrichingBeads®MPS/Streptavidin 系列将SA共价偶联到形态规整、粒径均一的磁性微球上形成单分子固定层,可用于生物素化核酸、抗体或其他生物素化配体和靶分子的分离和检测。形状确定的特异性表面便于进行高效捕获、分离和下游操作,批次一致性和结果的可重复性得到了保证。 5μmMPS/Streptavidin
- 免疫分析/免疫诊断
- 核酸诊断中的序列特异性DNA/RNA捕获
- 高通量核酸纯化实验方案
- 蛋白质样本制备的质谱分析
- 噬菌体展示技术
- 细胞分选
Direct and indirect approach for magnetic separation In direct capture,the target-specific ligand is bound to the EnrichingBeads®MPS/Streptavidin and then added to the sample. For some applications, this enables reuse of the beads, thereby reducing costs. In indirect capture, the ligand is first allowed to bind to the target,prior to addition of EnrichingBeads®/Streptavidin. This can be beneficial when the concentration of the target is low, the specific affinity is weak, or the binding kineticsare slow.
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