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[试剂信息] 阿斯利康与罗氏携手开发伴随诊断试剂盒

发表于 2014-8-5 20:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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目前,尚无药物获批用于携带耐药性突变T790M的肿瘤。在I期临床中,针对既往EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)治疗失败且携带T790M突变的EGFRm+ NSCLC患者群体,作为每日一次的单药疗法,AZD9291已表现出早期的临床疗效,同时具有很好的耐受性及较低的副作用。


当前,既往已接受EGFR-TKIs但病情恶化的患者,必须不断的接受活检,以评估是否存在耐药性突变T790M。而基于血浆样品循环DNA(circulating DNA,ctDNA)开发的伴随诊断试剂盒,为鉴定T790M突变提供了另一种方法。

阿斯利康肿瘤学全球产品战略高级副总裁Mondher Mahjoubi称,阿斯利康致力于开发靶向性药物,以改善患者的健康预后。而了解每位患者的肿瘤性质并据此使用最可能获益的药物,对于癌症个性化诊疗至关重要。当前,晚期肺癌患者需要接受手术收集肿瘤组织,以便进行分子检测。在某些情况下,收集足够的组织用于检测几乎是不可能的。此次合作,将利用基于血浆样品的分子检测技术来提供所需的肿瘤信息,而无需开展手术便可做出治疗决策,从而不断提高患者的临床护理水平。




英文原文:AstraZeneca and Roche announce partnership to develop companion diagnostic test for AZD9291

Monday, 28 July 2014

AstraZeneca today announced it has entered into collaboration with Roche to develop a plasma-based companion diagnostic test to support AZD9291, AstraZeneca’s investigational compound in clinical development for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

The companion diagnostic test is designed to identify epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in both tumour tissue and plasma derived from patients with NSCLC, and to optimise the clinical development of AZD9291 for patients who are resistant to first-generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI).

Currently, patients who have been treated with EGFR-TKIs in whom the disease has progressed have to undergo a repeat biopsy to assess whether they have a specific mutation, T790M. Diagnostic tests based on circulating DNA (ctDNA) in plasma samples provide an alternative method of identifying the T790M mutation.

Mondher Mahjoubi, Senior Vice President, Global Product Strategy for Oncology at AstraZeneca said: “We are committed to developing targeted medicines that improve health outcomes for patients. Understanding the nature of each individual’s tumour and therefore which medicine is most likely to benefit them is vital if we are to transform the way cancer patients are diagnosed and treated.”

“Currently, late-stage lung cancer patients have to undergo surgery to collect tissue from a tumor so it can be sent for molecular testing,” said Paul Brown, Head of Roche Molecular Diagnostics (RMD). “In some cases, collecting enough tissue for testing is not possible. This collaboration will enable molecular testing through plasma specimens and provide the information needed to inform treatment decisions without the complications of surgery, consequently increasing the level of care clinicians can give to the patient.”

NSCLC represents approximately 80 to 85 per cent of all lung cancers. Unfortunately, at the time of diagnosis approximately 70 per cent of NSCLC patients have developed advanced or metastatic disease not amenable to surgical resection.


About AZD9291

AZD9291 is a highly selective, irreversible inhibitor of both the activating sensitising EGFR mutation (EGFRm+) and the activating resistance mutation, T790M, while sparing the activity of wild type EGFR. Patients with EGFRm+ NSCLC are particularly sensitive to treatment with currently available EGFR TKIs, which block the cell signalling pathways that drive the growth of tumour cells. However, tumour cells almost always develop resistance to treatment, leading to disease progression. In approximately half of patients, this resistance is caused by the secondary mutation known as T790M. There are currently no targeted therapies approved for the treatment of tumours with this resistance mutation. In the ongoing Phase I study, AZD9291 has shown early evidence of activity as a once-daily monotherapy with clinical responses observed in an EGFRm+ population of patients with NSCLC who have previously failed on EGFR TKIs and also in patients with the T790M mutation. To date, AZD9291 has been well-tolerated with low rates of side effects.


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