导语:由欧洲、南美洲和大洋洲14个国家78个风湿免疫科专家组成的推荐制订小组,按照“3e”方案(证据、专业、交流)并基于目前最重要的临床问题,就痛风的诊断和管理提出了10个问题,经查阅Medline等数据库后,对所有问题进行了系统资料综述,经多轮讨论和投票后,形成了最终的推荐意见。研究发表于《风湿病年鉴》。 标签:痛风 诊断 管理
4. 建议患者采取健康的生活方式,包括减肥、规律锻炼、戒烟、避免大量饮酒和含糖饮料
5. 别嘌醇应为一线降尿酸治疗药物;当无法使用别嘌醇时的替代方案有促尿酸排泄药物(如苯溴马隆、丙磺舒)或非布司他;仅当患者存在严重痛风且其他药物治疗失败或存在使用禁忌时,可考虑使用尿酸酶单药治疗。降尿酸治疗(尿酸酶除外)应从低剂量开始并逐渐加量,以达到血清尿酸靶目标。
10.对无症状高尿酸血症,不推荐进行药物治疗以预防痛风关节炎、肾病或心血管事件。 原文阅读: Multinational evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and management of gout: integrating systematic literature review and expert opinion of a broad panel of rheumatologists in the 3e initiative
We aimed to develop evidence-based multinational recommendations for the diagnosis and management of gout. Using a formal voting process, a panel of 78 international rheumatologists developed 10 key clinical questions pertinent to the diagnosis and management of gout. Each question was investigated with a systematic literature review. Medline, Embase, Cochrane CENTRAL and abstracts from 2010–2011 European League Against Rheumatism and American College of Rheumatology meetings were searched in each review. Relevant studies were independently reviewed by two individuals for data extraction and synthesis and risk of bias assessment. Using this evidence, rheumatologists from 14 countries (Europe, South America and Australasia) developed national recommendations. After rounds of discussion and voting, multinational recommendations were formulated. Each recommendation was graded according to the level of evidence. Agreement and potential impact on clinical practice were assessed. Combining evidence and clinical expertise, 10 recommendations were produced. One recommendation referred to the diagnosis of gout, two referred to cardiovascular and renal comorbidities, six focused on different aspects of the management of gout (including drug treatment and monitoring), and the last recommendation referred to the management of asymptomatic hyperuricaemia. The level of agreement with the recommendations ranged from 8.1 to 9.2 (mean 8.7) on a 1–10 scale, with 10 representing full agreement. Ten recommendations on the diagnosis and management of gout were established. They are evidence-based and supported by a large panel of rheumatologists from 14 countries, enhancing their utility in clinical practice.