[1]Spleeter: a fast andefficient music source separation tool with pre-trained models
[5]Separation of Vocalsfrom Polyphonic Audio Recordings
[6]Singing voiceseparation for mono-channel music using non-negative matrix factorization
[7]A simple music/voiceseparation method based on the extraction of the repeating musical structure
[8]Adaptive filtering formusic/voice separation exploiting the repeating musical structure
[9]Optimal cost functionand magnitude power for NMF-based speech separation and music interpolation
[10]Harmonic-percussivesound separation using rhythmic information from non-negative matrixfactorization in single-channel music recordings
[11]Towards scaling upclassification-based speech separation
[12]Singing-VoiceSeparation from Monaural Recordings using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
[13]Deep clustering:Discriminative embeddings for segmentation and separation
[14]Deep attractor networkfor single-microphone speaker separation
[15]Speaker-independentspeech separation with deep attractor network
[16]Conv-TasNet: Surpassingideal time–frequency magnitude masking for speech separation
[17]Dual-path rnn:efficient long sequence modeling for time-domain single-channel speechseparation
[18]Dual-path transformernetwork: Direct context-aware modeling for end-to-end monaural speechseparation