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时间有点久远了,可能对题主没有太大帮助了,但是我还是发上来给后面有需要申请IC Biomed的同学参考一下。这是我在英国 thestudentroom.co.uk 论坛上看到的一个Year 1学生的吐槽:
Hi guys I’m currently a year 1 Medical Biosciences student at Imperial. It has been 5 weeks since we started, however, things are not as good as expected so if you are considering this course, you might want to think twice before you apply.
The website says ‘The course has been re-designed and it’s more lab-focused’.
-You won’t have any lectures, seminars or even tutorials.
I knew most of the contents of this course is delivered online by e-modules before I came but I thought there would be tutorials or other forms of interaction with your professors. No, the only thing you get is Face-to-face session where you sit in a large classroom with about 70+ students and you discuss questions in your team (5-6 students). For each module, you will only have 10 multiple-choice questions and 2-4 so-called application questions which basically you just go on google and find the information you need. I can hardly learn from our teammates when there’re only 12 questions and most of my teammates feel the same.
You have to complete the e-module before you go to the face-to-face session. However, the e-modules are not in details and you could even get mistakes in it. This course starts in 2017 and I would be truly surprised if no one found and pointed out those mistakes before. That would cause a lot of misunderstanding of the contents. Most of the time, you will need to search for other resources on YouTube or Wikipedia to fully understand. In this case, why don’t we simply learn from Coursera or Khan Academy? At least they cover almost all the things you need.
-Lab pods
We only have 2 lab sessions so far, so I would say it’s alright at this point.
-Time schedule
We only have two 3-hour face-to-face sessions and a 9-5 lab session so for most of the time, you are free. It sounds nice but bear in mind that all the other students have back-to-back lectures, seminars and tutorials. My friends are all busy af and they have so much to learn, while I was there in the library going through the books on the reading list as currently I have no other e-modules to learn! It makes me wonder where all those money goes? £9250 for home students and £30,000 for international students?
My personal experience is that I don’t feel satisfied with the new teaching method. Imperial is one of the top universities in the country and I was expecting a well-organised course. The fact is that our course, medical biosciences, is like being forgotten. We don’t have enough resources and support comparing to other students. I’m not the only one feeling this, I know some people transferred to biochem or other courses and people complaining. I had offers from UCL and KCL but I chose IC because I want to do research in the future and I thought a more lab-focused programme might help. Right now I feel being left behind by all the year 1 biomedical students in the country.
So, please, do think twice before you apply. 总结一下要点:
- 完全没有大学常规的lectures,变成了e-learning(应该是类似课前的那种reading),而且还有一些知识上的错误
- 唯一见教授的机会是所谓的face-to-face,而且人还很多,任务是做十几道选择题
- 每周两次3小时的face-to-face和一个朝九晚五的lab,其他时间都是空闲的,相比之下其他专业的学生大多时时刻刻都在忙,感觉这个专业好像被IC忽略了一样
- 课程设置成这样子学费还这么高(IC 32k,UCL和KCL都是28k)
- 不只一个同学这么想,很多的满意度都不高
我个人倾向于不考虑IC了……虽然说原本是挺向往帝国理工的。目前打算申UCL和KCL,然后我比较希望留在伦敦,所以加上了Queen Mary和专攻医学和健康领域的St George's。UCL个人感觉教的内容更加medical,而且它灵活性很高,甚至在后期可以转immunology、neurology这些的,而没错我又是那种打算走Biomed+Graduate Entry Medicine曲线救国学医的,所以感觉UCL更适合自己。
Imperial new Medical Biosciences另外更多的相关信息可以在这个论坛上搜biomedical science |