早前有媒体称,iWatch迟迟不发布是因为技术还不完善,没有达到苹果的预期。其实不然,事实上iWatch早就开发完成,只是苹果将其定位为医疗设备,需要美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)认证。 该消息来自手机中国联盟秘书长老杳微博爆料。老杳称,从苹果内部人士获得消息,其实iWatch早就开发完成,之所以没发布,因为正在美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)认证,苹果将iWatch定位医疗设备,不仅可以记步,而且可以检测心率、血糖我、血压,具体技术细节据传是通过分析汗液,传感器由苹果自行开发。别家的可穿戴是玩具,iwatch是正规认证的医疗设备。 据老杳透露此消息相当靠谱,消息来源是其在苹果工作的一位朋友向他透露的。此说法也印证了此前产业链传出的消息,苹果已与美国梅约诊所、克利夫兰诊所以及美国国立卫生研究院合作,来开发数据分析和健康管理应用新方法。同时苹果也正在与耐克公司合作,欲将两家公司各自的服务相互整合。 如此看来,苹果并没有将iWatch定位为普通的可穿戴电子产品,而是具有更高要求和价值的医疗设备。这将让iWatch 比传统的可穿戴设备更准确,更安全,更实用。 综合之前消息,iWatch在今年10月发布的可能性极大。分析师预测的零售价为300美元,初期苹果供应量大约每月生产300万-500万块,每年产量将达到3600万-6000万块。
跟苹果关系向来要好的《华尔街日报》又带来了爆炸性的消息。 《华尔街日报》给出的独家消息称,iWatch是真实存在的,苹果也准备了多个版本,它们的设计整体是一致的,不同的地方是屏幕大小。 结合今天的传闻来看,iWatch如果有2.5寸屏幕版本的话,那么还应该有个小的,具体大小或许就是之前曝光的1.3寸屏。 此外,《华尔街日报》还透露,iWatch内置了不下十个传感器,其包含了计步、血压、脉搏等等,而今天的消息还显示,iWatch具备测量血糖的能力,实现方法是通过汗液分析,并且这些感器都是由苹果自行开发的。 最后苹果的消息人士还向《华尔街日报》透露,他们非常看好iWatch,因为它除了具备目前所有SmartWatch的功能外,还提供它们没有的,当然其设计也是秉承了苹果一贯的高品质。 从之前《华尔街日报》爆料的苹果消息来看,可信度基本是100%。这么来看iWatch的话,真的是相当强大。可怕的不是iWatch,而是苹果在可穿戴市场的一整套玩法。 就像手机中国联盟秘书长老杳今天爆料说的一样,别家的可穿戴那是玩具,苹果的iWatch是正规认证的医疗设备。iWatch 10月见! PS:苹果这真是要逆天了....
iWatch Production Could Start in July for October ReleaseAnother day, another iWatch rumor. The latest news comes courtesy of Reuters, which reports that Taiwan's Quanta Computer Inc. will be mass producing Apple's long-rumored smartwatch this July. According to Reuters, the smartwatch will have a 2.5-inch display and will be "slightly rectangular." The Reuters source says that the face will "protrude slightly from the band," have a touch screen (natch) and charge wirelessly.
The source says Apple is expecting to ship 50 million of these devices in the product's first year of release. Obviously, these kinds of estimates can fluctuate and change, and we remain skeptical of any sources tying down specific sales estimates. The reports states that Quanta is already doing trial production runs of the device and that it will be the main manufacturer and responsible for at least 70 percent of the final assembly. A July production start date could mean that the watch could make its commercial debut as early as October. Traditionally, Apple has launched accessories, including the iPod and now iPad, at that time. A third source told Reuters that LG is the exclusive supplier of the screen for the initial production batch. LG was also responsible for all iPad screens (iPad displays are now dispersed amongst a few suppliers). The iWatch is expected to have built-in sensors to monitor health. This would match nicely with the Health app and HealthKit SDK coming to iOS 8. If this information is true and production does start next month, it will be interesting to see if any images of the device or its material leak ahead of release.