日前,刊登在《PNAS》杂志上的一项最新研究发现,短激光脉冲能让疟疾寄生虫产生的一种副产物制造出小的纳米级别的蒸汽泡,在低水平感染的情况下,这些蒸汽泡可以通过非侵入(无创式)的方式经过皮肤被探测到。 目前,检测病人的疟疾感染必须有血样和一组试剂,这让检测疟疾成为了一个耗费时间和资源的过程。迅速、非侵入式的疟疾检测可以为全球根除疟疾的举措带来帮助。 为了开发这样一种诊断方法,来自美国莱斯大学(Rice University)的科学家利用了疟原虫色素的光学属性,疟原虫色素是一种由疟疾寄生虫天然产生的纳米颗粒。疟原虫色素吸收来自短激光脉冲的能量,把它周围的少量液体加热并汽化,从而制造出可以用光学或声学方法探测到的纳米蒸汽泡。 研究人员用感染了疟疾的人类红细胞和感染了疟疾的小鼠检验了这种方法。对于感染了疟疾的小鼠,研究人员用一个光声探测器以非侵入式的方式在小鼠耳朵浅血管的上方对纳米蒸汽泡进行了监测。 研究人员表示,蒸汽纳米泡在这两个系统中都出现了,而且被探测的红细胞其感染的浓度最低达到了 0.0001%。这种方法看上去并没有对组织或者未被感染的血细胞造成伤害,而且可能有益于对疟疾感染进行迅速的现场检验和筛查。
原文链接: Hemozoin-generated vapor nanobubbles for transdermal reagent- and needle-freedetection of malaria ABSTRACT Successful diagnosis, screening, and elimination of malaria critically depend on rapid and sensitive detection of this dangerous infection, preferably transdermally and without sophisticated reagents or blood drawing. Such diagnostic methods are not currently available. Here we show that the high optical absorbance and nanosize of endogenous heme nanoparticles called “hemozoin,” a unique component of all blood-stage malaria parasites, generates a transient vapor nanobubble around hemozoin in response to a short and safe near-infrared picosecond laser pulse. The acoustic signals of these malaria-specific nanobubbles provided transdermal noninvasive and rapid detection of a malaria infection as low as 0.00034% in animals without using any reagents or drawing blood. These on-demand transient events have no analogs among current malaria markers and probes, can detect and screen malaria in seconds, and can be realized as a compact, easy-to-use, inexpensive, and safe field technology. |