图7不同方案下全年平均电压分布Fig.7Annual average voltages under different schemes由表4所示结果可以注意到,对于分布式光伏以单位、恒定和最优功率因数运行的情况,在四季典型日共96 h内,配电网累计的总电压偏移量分别降低为54.765 p.u.、53.060 p.u.和52.824 p.u.,而没有接入分布式光伏的总电压偏移量为66.903 p.u.。在3种情况下最高电压偏移量为54.765 p.u.,对应于分布式光伏以单位功率因数接入配电网29节点运行模式下此时光伏系统只向配电网提供有功功率,而不提供无功功率。相比之下,最低电压偏移量为52.824 p.u.,对应于分布式光伏以最优功率因数接入配电网30节点运行模式,此时光伏系统可以通过调整无功功率的出力从而减小配电网无功功率的波动,提高电网的稳定性。以上仿真结果充分表明分布式光伏以最优功率因数并网的工作模式对配电网系统电压曲线的改善有着显著贡献。
表4不同规划方案结果对比Tab.4Comparison of the results of different planning scenarios
另一方面,由表4结果也能够看出最优功率因数对于配电网的有功损耗改善起着重要作用,当分布式光伏以最优功率因数接入配电网30节点运行时,在四季典型日共96 h内配电网累计的总有功损
耗为3 270.782 kW,相较于未接入分布式光伏前的配电网总网损降低了20.504%,而分布式光伏以单位和恒定功率因数并网运行时总有功损耗分别为3 559.943 kW、3 330.625 kW,相较于未接入分布式光伏前的配电网分别降低了13.476%和19.049%,显然考虑最优功率因数下网损的改善效果更显著。由此表明最优功率因数并网可以减少系统的无功功率消耗,从而减少了功率在输电过程中的损耗,有效提高了光伏系统的效率。综上,本文所提模型能够有效减小配电网有功损耗,提高电能质量,且考虑功率因数的优化可以更准确地确定适合的装机容量和接入位置。
2)对算法性能进行验证,为了验证ISMA算法在分布式光伏选址定容方面的优势,实验选择对比麻雀优化算法(sparrow search algorithm,SSA)和SMA算法的仿真结果,为公平比较ISMA、SMA和SSA算法性能,统一设置上层优化最大迭代次数和种群数量分别取50和30,下层优化最大迭代次数和种群数量同时取30,ISMA算法参数设置如表3所示,不同算法的优化结果如表5所示。
表5不同算法的优化结果Tab.5Optimization results of different algorithms
图8不同时段下的最优功率因数Fig.8Optimal power factors at different time periods图9为不同算法优化后的全年平均电压分布。
图9不同算法优化后的全年平均电压分布Fig.9Annual average voltages optimized by different algorithms由图9和表5可以看出,本文所提ISMA算法的优化结果最好,经本文所提算法优化下的配电网总网损、节点处总电压偏移量和分布式光伏投资成本分别为3 270.782 kW、52.824 p.u.和911.422万元,虽然在投资成本方面相比于SSA算法优化后的值高出29.53万元,但在网损和电压偏移量方面相比于SSA算法优化后的值分别降低了252.903 kW和4.316 p.u.,能够兼顾多个因素的优化,并根据决策者的意愿综合权衡得到综合考虑各个因素后的最优解,综上,可以看出ISMA算法能够更好地解决高维度非线性的问题,具备更高的优化精度。
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ARTICLE META Integration Planning of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation Based on Improved Slime Mould Algorithm
YANG Haizhu
BAI Yanan
(1、School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo,Henan454000, China;
2、School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin300072, China)
In view of the unreasonable layout of distributed photovoltaics will bring major impact to the distribution network, a double-layer optimized locating and sizing model of distributed photovoltaic considering the load and PV system output timing is proposed. The upper-layer optimization aims to screen a set of combined data of PV access nodes and installed capacity. The lower-layer optimization takes the network loss, voltage offset and minimum investment cost as the objective function, and feeds back the optimal planning results to the upper optimization layer while solving the high-dimensional and nonlinear power factor optimization problem, so as to determine the optimal access node and installed capacity of distributed photovoltaics. In addition, the adaptive artificial bee colony slime mold algorithm with improved crossover operator is introduced to solve the model, which has excellent global search ability, local development ability and renewal mechanism of the individual, which can obtain more ideal high-quality solutions for such models. The simulation results show that the improved slime mould algorithm not only considers the economy, but also significantly improves the active power loss and power quality of the distribution network compared to other algorithms.
distributed photovoltaic;locating and sizing;improved slime mould algorithm;distribution network;power factor
引用本文:杨海柱,刘森,张鹏等.基于改进黏菌算法的分布式光伏发电并网规划[J].南方电网技术,2024,18%2811%29:119-128.%28YANG Haizhu,LIU Sen,ZHANG Peng,et al.Integration Planning of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation Based on Improved Slime Mould Algorithm[J].Southern Power System Technology,2024,18%2811%29:119-128.%29