美国哈佛医学院遗传学教授、基因工程知名专家 George Church 说:「考虑到HIV 对全球公共健康的威胁有扩大的趋势,我认为贺建奎选择了一个非常好的目标基因。」
然而,根据纽约时报报道,这名被引用的专家 George Church 对于「将其中一个胚胎用于怀孕」的尝试提出了质疑。
另一名专家 Musunuru 认为,这一做法在预防艾滋病毒上毫无收益,反而让受试孩子面临未知风险。
即使对 CCR5 的基因编辑工作是完美的,失去了 CCR5 基因的人将有着感染其他病毒(如 West Nile)和死于流感的风险。
Church and Musunuru questioned the decision to allow one of the embryos to be used in a pregnancy attempt, because the Chinese researchers said they knew in advance that both copies of the intended gene had not been altered.
“In that child, there really was almost nothing to be gained in terms of protection against HIV and yet you’re exposing that child to all the unknown safety risks,” Musunuru said.
The use of that embryo suggests that the researchers’ “main emphasis was on testing editing rather than avoiding this disease,” Church said.
Even if editing worked perfectly, people without normal CCR5 genes face higher risks of getting certain other viruses, such as West Nile, and of dying from the flu.