转期效应: carry-over effects (ISO 14971) The term carry-over is commonly used to describe a process by which materials are carried into a reaction mixture to which they do not belong. These materials can be either parts of a specimen, or reagents including the diluent or wash solution. In such cases, carry-over means the transfer of material (specimen or reagents) from one container, or from one reaction mixture, to another one. It can be either unidirectional or bidirectional in a series of specimens or assays. 举两个例子: 1. ELISA试剂,在HRP-conjugate反应结束后,如果没有充分的washing,可能会有非特异性结合的HRP残留,造成检测结果的偏高。 2. 全自动生化仪,样本针取样时,由于没有充分的洗涤,将前一样本杯中的物质带入下一样本杯中,造成不正确的检测结果。 对于第2种情况,一般也称之为“污染”。 一般翻译成携带效应,或者携带污染。 就是上一个没有洗干净,残留的带入了下一个测试中。 交叉污染也不是完全准确的。 yyt0316中翻译成转期效应还真是不好理解。 |